Sprachreise nach Irland unserer 6AB

Grüß Gott? Dia dhaoibh! Céad míle fáilte go hÉirinn!

This year, our sixth-graders were lucky enough to spend one week of June living in the Irish suburban town of Bray and diving deeper not only into the English language, but also the unique local culture as well as experiencing the natural beauty of the country. The trip included, apart from daily lessons at a language institute, a tour of Glendalough and Kilkenny in addition to many short hops to Dublin city. What we brought back home are many fond memories, some knowledge of the Irish accent, and, of course, the absolutely vital skill of being able to sing Molly Malone at virtually any time of the day — also in sleep (pun intended).
Despite a hectic arrival on Saturday and a typical Irish (read: rainy) Thursday towards the end of the trip, we undoubtedly enjoyed every single moment of it!

Bhí sé go deas!

Text und Fotos: MAKSYM KUZMOV, 6b

mit Prof. Heidi Krickl, Prof. Petra Kuhn und Prof. Florian Sommer